2004-08-23 - 20 weeks
2004-08-19 - Kick hard for Daddy kids...
2004-08-17 - Latte does the trick
2004-08-16 - More zzzzz's please
2004-08-13 - Cousin Angel speaking:
2004-08-13 - 18 weeks and something... who knows?
2004-08-11 - No more bad news bears
2004-08-09 - Twin A = Girl, Twin B = Boy
2004-07-30 - A big day full of last days
2004-07-29 - Are we done yet?
2004-07-27 - Will the work ever end?
2004-07-26 - Week 16
2004-07-23 - Finally some belly pics!
2004-07-22 - Red or Black?
2004-07-21 - Kick, Poke, Swoosh
2004-07-19 - Manic Monday
2004-07-16 - Finally Friday
2004-07-15 - Late 14 week entry
2004-07-08 - Send me home
2004-07-07 - Long weekend recap & developments
2004-07-01 - Busy Busy Bee
2004-06-30 - 12+ weeks and counting
2004-06-29 - Something to take a look at
2004-06-29 - Motherhood Maternity here I come!
2004-06-28 - Roslyn Rapids
2004-06-25 - Peeing in a bucket
2004-06-23 - Week 11 or 11.4
2004-06-22 - Love the cheap outfit
2004-06-21 - Kenny Chesney Weekend Recap
2004-06-18 - Here we come Kenny!!!
2004-06-16 - 10 weeks and counting
2004-06-15 - Part Duex
2004-06-15 - So sad to see those cute little puppies go...
2004-06-14 - Weekend recap
2004-06-11 - Serious dland issues


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picture courtesy of Seattle Thunderbirds

comments provided by Haloscan