August 2004








Boat Trip San Juans 2 3 4 5 Doc Appt find out sex of twins 7
8 9 10 Committee Meeting Doc Appt Family Reunion Family Reunion
Family Reunion 16 17 18 19 20 21
Aquasox game & Justin/Amanda's Wedding 23 24 25 Freestyle Show @ Evergreen Fair 27 28
29 30 31

September 2004








1st - 6th Oregon Dunes 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 Joyce's birthday
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30

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More zzzzz's please

2004-08-16 @ 9:00 a.m.

19 weeks


This is an impressive week for growth! The baby will increase in weight to 8 ounces (227 grams)! If you are having a girl, her ovaries now contain primitive egg cells. Lanugo appears all over the baby's body. This fine hair will remain until birth draws nearer. Sometimes you can still see some on the baby's face and ears after birth.

Permanent teeth buds are forming behind the already formed milk teeth buds.


To your dismay, you may find that heartburn is more likely to occur as your uterus pushes up against your stomach. Because the movement of food through the digestive tract has slowed, nutrients reach the fetus more efficiently -- generally within one or two hours after meals. Hang in there. When your baby "drops," (first-time moms only), usually in the final month of pregnancy, there will be considerably less pressure on your stomach. Eating several smaller meals throughout the day can work well if you are troubled by heartburn. Try not to eat right before bed. Sleep with your upper body slightly elevated. Antacids that contain calcium will provide heartburn relief, as well as this essential nutrient. Be sure to check with your care provider before taking medications such as Pepcid AC or Zantac.


At 15 centimeters crown to rump, and weighing eight ounces, your baby is getting big! This week, permanent teeth buds are forming behind the milk teeth buds.

Organs of reproduction are developing rapidly, getting ready to sustain future generations. The uterus is clearly visible in the female and the testes are apparent in the male fetus. If your baby is positioned just right on an ultrasound scan, the tiny penis is easily identifiable. So, if you don't wish to know the gender of your baby, ask the technician to alert you before your baby's lower body comes into view.

This balloon feels like it's going to pop! Actually I think I'm just tired and my tummy is hurting from all the exercize this weekend. Well not really exercise but standing up a lot. Let me start at the beginning... Saturday I was able to finally sleep in. It seems like forever since I've been able to do that. I wish I could have slept longer but our room has crappy blinds so the sunlight was calling my name. On the other hand, good thing I didn't get to sleep longer because I was rushing trying to get ready in time to take Chase to my mom's and meet D. After we finished up a few things in town we were headed downtown for our night on the town. I'll be breif and only give the highlights. We stopped at Old Navy to buy us pregnant ladies some clothes, which I only came out with a more comfortable pair of jeans and a cheap tank top. We headed to the hotel to help some of the other friends decorate. We hung penis's everywhere. It was quite fun rumaging through the magazines picking out the best ones. I think us Tulalip Bay girls shocked the hell out of the sheltered catholic girls from the north (rival city goes unnamed). Nobody had even started drinking and I know the brides SIL was wondering what the hell she got herself into hanging out with us. Oh well, we didn't hold back for nothing... we took a cab to dinner at Buca Di Beppo (my favorite) but my night was so close to being ruined before it really even started. I left my new digital camera (Chad & mine anniversary gift) in the cab. After a 1/2hr of panic and phone calls the cab driver brought my camera back to me. The jerk charged me $20 to bring it back, which really pissed me off, but it was worth it. So back to dinner, the salad...mmmm. After dinner our beautiful black super-stretch suburban limo met us out front. It was awesome. Probably something I'll never get to ride in again. We rode around town will the girls drank and had some fun hollaring out the window's. I think this was the highlight of my night. Then we started bar hopping around Pioneer Square. I love people watching and this is the perfect time to do it. On the other hand it would have been nice to have a drink in my hand and not look totally bored and out of place. I wasn't bored, I was more uncomfortable standing and feeling out of place with my big tummy. My body isn't used to standing for long periods of time and my uterus starts to get sore and I get a side ache/cramping feeling in it. After bar hopping and people watching for a few hours the limo took us pregnant ladies (D & I) back to the hotel while the others went and partied their hearts out. L did such a good job with planning everything. From the sounds of it, everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. The rest of the group trickled in to the rooms until about 3 or so. After some drunken drama from 2 people we finally were tucked into bed with the lights off around 4:30am. A little late for the twins but oh well. Around 8:30 Sunday we were woken up which was fine since I had planned to leave for the family reunion early. I made it there just in time for biscuts and gravy. Sunday was relaxing but not getting any sleep the night before caught up with me quick. I'll hopefully recover some more tonight after Chad goes to work shift at the Fire Dept.

So another Monday... ick! This should be a pretty laid back week, which will be nice for a change. I've been going, going, going for the last few weeks. Maybe I'll finally get some more of the house unpacked and put together. We have way to much crap.

I haven't really been updating on how I've been feeling or the pregnancy...

I no longer have morning sickness but I still gag while brushing my teeth. I wonder if I will do that for the rest of my life? I'm back to that tired feeling again where I need naps. That could be related to us being so busy and moving and not sleeping the best with the heat. I'm not sure. No food cravings to speak of really. I have a hard time deciding what I want to eat which usually isn't a problem for me. Nothing sounds good lately. I guess the good thing is I've been eating lots of salads. My breasts are still very tender and have sharp pains run through them. I lactated again late Saturday night. I noticed it early before it made a mess. I was looking in the phonebook for a number so I don't now what triggered it. I still have to pee all the time in the middle of the night. Only once or twice, but I hate getting out of bed or waking up from a good sleep. I'm comfortable on my back but my Dr. says to try to sleep on my sides as much as possible. I need to invest in a body pillow because I always use Chad's before he comes to bed. The swelling in my feet has gone down a little bit from last week. I have been trying to keep them elevated or in water in the evening. I need to get better at drinking more water during the day. I can see my ankle bones now which is good. So for the most part I am doing pretty good. Oh, I haven't even been buying baby clothes like i thought I would be! I'm shocking myself I know!!!

preseason // playoffs

Game Days

20 weeks - 2004-08-23
Kick hard for Daddy kids... - 2004-08-19
Latte does the trick - 2004-08-17
More zzzzz's please - 2004-08-16
Cousin Angel speaking: - 2004-08-13

picture courtesy of Seattle Thunderbirds

comments provided by Haloscan